Latihan CAT CPNS 2014

Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Jakarta 2012

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Bagi yang berminat melamar CPNS tahun ini diharapkan melakukan persiapan yang matang untuk menghadapi ujian CPNS nanti. Karena penerimaan CPNS 2014 akan dilakukan dengan murni dan trasparan dimana sepenuhnya ditangani pemerintah pusat bekerjasama dengan konsorsium perguruan tinggi. Dan perlu diingat bahwa sistem ujian CPNS 2014 diharuskan menggunakan CAT (Computer Assisted Test) tanpa terkecuali. Jadi jika ingin lulus CPNS satu-satunya cara adalah dengan belajar dan melakukan persiapan mantap.

Apa sebaiknya persiapan yang dilakukan?

Untuk memudahkan anda mempelajari Soal-Soal CPNS menggunakan CAT dengan metode yang tepat, Coba gabung di Program

Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat 2012 telah dibuka yang diumumkan pada situs lowongan kerja Bank Mualat Indonesia pada posisi Back Senior Officer (BO), Frontlines (FL), Internal Control (IC) dan Head Back Office. Jika anda tertarik bekerja pada Bank Muamalat ini silahkan ikuti prosedur lowongan kerja Bank Muamalat sesuai petunjuk yang diberikan. Berikut ini informasi lengkap dan persyaratan Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat yang dibuka September 2012. 

Bank Muamalat or Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) is a banking company engaged in financial services based on the principles of Islamic law. Beginning of Bank Muamalat formation occurred during a meeting of the MUI and the chance at that time to discuss the theme issue on Bank Interest epidemic in 1990. 

Purely Sharia Bank in addition to have advantages in terms of the system which is based on the fundamentals of Islam also has real time to customers. Bank Muamalat is a milestone in the establishment of Islamic banking in Indonesia, which currently serve more than 3 million customers in all 33 provinces.

Bank Muamalat September 2012 is planning an IPO on the stock exchanges of Indonesia as a Bank Syariah Mandiri, this is done because the Bank Muamalat has a financial konsisi continues to increase every year approximately 30% -40%. In April 2012 Bank Muamalat has been able to freeze a profit of Rp86, 9 billion in the first quarter of 2012, up 14.87% over the last year-end financial position.

Bank Muamalat Bank seeking candidate with the following qualifications:

Back Senior Officer (BO)
  • Male, age max 30 years
  • Minimal S1 all majors
  • Having experience in Office / Teller Back 2 min
  • Ability to work under tight schedule
  • Excellent communication skills analytical
  • Customer-oriented, Accurate communication, and interpersonal skills
  • Resourceful and creative problem solver
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Handling transaction administration, accounting and taxation
  • Provides internal and external reporting
Frontlines (FL)
  • Minimal S1 all majors
  • Minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable university
  • 25 years old Male or Female, max
  • Having experience in the same position min 1 year
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel)
  • Good appearance with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Fun to assist customer needs
  • High initiative, disciplined and ready to work in a team with tight schedules
  • Height Min. 160 cm (Female) d 170 ancm (Men)
Internal Control (IC)
  • Male, age max 35 years
  • Education minimal D3 or S1 majoring in Economics, Banking, Accounting
  • GPA minimum 2.75 from reputable university
  • Experienced in the industry for 3 years banking operations (Back Office or Internal Control)
  • Have knowledge of policies and procedures of banking operations
  • Thorough, disciplined thinking, good analytical
Head Back Office
  • Male age max 35 years old
  • Education minimal D3 or S1 majoring in Economics of Banking, Accounting
  • GPA minimum 2.75 from reputable university
  • Experienced in banking operations industry for 3 years
  • Have knowledge of policies and procedures of banking operations
  • Thorough, disciplined thinking, good analytical
  • Bank Muamalat will be located Jabodetabek
Should you are interested and meet the qualifications Jobs Bank Muamalat above, please send your application, cv and supporting data eat it through the address below:
Bank Muamalat Indonesia 2012
Gd Arthaloka Lt 4
Jln Sudirman Kav 2 Tanah Abang Jakarta 10220
Online Recruitment here

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Latihan CAT CPNS 2014